Look What I Can Do!

My photo
I have been in women's professional football since 2003. Sometimes, I make a funny. And yes, that is NKOTB in the photo.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Favorite Guilty Pleasure....

Thank you Hillary at the Other Mama for yet another fantastic Friday Favorite Carnival! I love a good corn dog!

It has been documented that I *may* have met my teen idol Donnie Wahlberg. Ever since the "Right Stuff" video, I have had a ginormous crush on this man. Was it his ripped jeans, his cardigan, his mulltet, his earring, his lack of singing ability?  Yes, all of the above. You see, I was in 6th grade when I first heard of these boys.

Kirk Cameron had been my crush for a long time and I decided it was time to graduate to another. Sorry Kirk, but when I finally had the chance to meet you over 20 years later and brought my Dynamite magazine for you to sign, you declined all autographs. Show me that smile again Kirk and we can talk...

I've always been a Donnie fan. Never did I even look at the others (well, maybe because I wasn't into high-pitched vocals, curly hair or monkies). Luckily none of my friends were into him because that meant I had him all to myself. What would he would do with a 6th grader? He would take her on tour with him and marry her because he would be that into me! I mean, I was a cheerleader.

In 7th grade, my first concert was NKOTB here in Huntsville, Alabama. I swore he saw me. I'm pretty sure he couldn't find me after the concert though because I was busy trying to get backstage with my fake passes I bought at Claire's. I tried to come see you Donnie, but those guys knew their stuff.

Over the years Donnie became more outspoken, more political. I enjoyed his nose ring and bandannas. I, too, wore my peace sign to show I was in the club. I had the 1991 concert where Donnie kissed a fan who threw a jacket on stage during a live concert. Sure I was jealous, but could you blame her?

After 1995 when they broke up, I continued my crush with Mr. Wahlberg. I mean, this man was going to be in my future somehow, right?! Little did I know how much he would be with me...

Fast forward to 2008. I learned of a reunion and this happened. Yes, I had Meet and Greet passes. Yes I had 8th row seats. I met the short man of my dreams..all for two minutes. We exchanged a couple of words, got a hug, and took a picture (I'm in the green).

Fast forward to March 16, 2009. Nashville. Again, we had Meet and Greet tickets (because that's how I roll). With Meet and Greet tickets, you are guaranteed tickets within the first 10 rows. You don't know where you'll be sitting until the day of the show. During the Meet and Greet, we were given, Row 2 tickets. Holy crapolah! They looked to be end seats but still...second row!!!

Finally we had our chance with the guys again. This time I made a beeline to my one and only short man. He claimed to have remembered me (from 1991?!? Upper deck?!? Huntsville?!) from Atlanta because my shirt lit up to music. I asked if used his electronic drumkit t-shirt I gave him in Atlanta. Of course he did! I wouldn't be suprised if a new album came out early due to this! Ok, not really, but at least he made me think I was memorable.

Here I am, next to Danny (not my first choice but I'll take it).

We enter the arena to be escorted to our seats. Some how, some way, we ended up FRONT FREAKIN' ROW FREAKIN' CENTER. Evidently, the stage came out an extra row..our "end seats" were actually the end of one section and the beginning of another section. We jumped up and down with the thoughts of what an amazing concert this would be. Yes, I was a 30 year old taken back to 1991...back when my hair was a little poofy (top left corner)

They enter, there are screams...it's ridiculous.
Oh Donnie...here you are...here I am...let's make it happen.

And it did.

During the show, Donnie was playing with the crowd and said the screams made him tingle. Sure enough, I yelled "I could make you tingle."  He must have heard me because he came back, stuck the microphone in my face and asked me what I just said. I'm not shy by any means and we already had our relationship established in 1991 so I wasn't scared of this man. Here's our conversation.

Donnie: What did you say?

Jamie: I can make you tingle.
Donnie: You can make me tingle?

Jamie: Oh yeah!

He steps back, laughs, and decides he wants me to make him tingle. So the man jumps off stage, leans over and manhandles me. He lays one right on my mouth for a good 5 seconds. Oh, did you want a picture?

Or maybe you wanted a video or two?

Find more videos like this on New Kids on the Block

I mean...I had been Hangin' Tough since '91.


Anonymous said...

LOL!! Was it worth the wait??

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I am beside myself.
There are so many things to comment on, I might drive over to chat (disguised as eating lunch with hubs, but I don't think I have time today). Anywho, the kiss? Awesome.
The colored shoes and hair from the "Unchained Melody" picture? Outstanding.
The dedication? Phenominal.
You are the best.

Jamie said...

Oh, it was most definitely worth the wait. Luscious even.

And Hillary,yes we definitely need to discuss this. I know if Harry jumped off that piano bench and asked you to make him tingle you would tell all ha!

Jennifer Young said...

Wow, just wow. That is some serious loving. I have some friends who hit the reunion tours and they are just about as equally obsessed. The kiss--I love it!! But, I like Markie Mark, myself... I'm sure you can see why.

Rachel B said...

I'm just grinning ear to ear and speechless. Wow, those videos were GREAT!! I know you have got to be thrilled you have evidence of it. I like Jennifer tend to enjoy Mark over Donnie but they're in the same family so...

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Too stinkin' funny! I think you definitely get the devoted and loyal fan award!

Shannon said...

Dear God,

Thank you so much that I did not go to that dance, so that there is no photo evidence on Jamie's blog as to what my hair looked like in the 9th grade.

Love, Shannon

Loved the post, James.
