Look What I Can Do!

My photo
I have been in women's professional football since 2003. Sometimes, I make a funny. And yes, that is NKOTB in the photo.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Devil's Rejects...and stuff

ust know as I type this, my cat is in heat. She knows what's up.


Friday night, as previously noted, my female cohort and I ventured to what is known as a "Slumber Party" at the home of my brother and sister-in-law's. For all who don't know, basically a party of this nature is for ladies only and consists of the sale of not only novelty marital aids, but also gag gifts (no pun intended, I swear), lotions, books, ointments of such, keychains, whips, swings...you get the drift. Usually a large group of women sit around and listen to a saleslady (Silicon Saleslady) hock her junk (not "her" junk, specifically, cause that would fall in the line of soliciation). We play games, talk openly about what we like and dislike in the bedroom or kitchen or wherever we decide to procreate, lick our hands, apply lotions to our lips, smell lubes and make fun of each other.

I've been to these parties before and have been known to host a couple. I even got my nickname from this Saucy Lady-type party. My first one was thrown by my father's girlfriend. I was never more uncomfortable in my life as she talked about him and what he likes.Ewww...

So sidekick and I frolick to the hills of TN to buy more junk. I didn't need anything; I sure wasn't "running out" of anything, but it's always fun to go see reactions and generally have fun with other women. We get there and the saleslady is running late. Great, I 'll just drink some liquor my sis-in-law has provided me. Oh, and it seriously is a slumber party...we were supposed to come in our pj's but no one told me or my sidekick. There's something strange about seeing grown women you don't know in their raggedy-ass sleepwear eating heart shaped ham sandwiches. But back to the lecture at hand...

Saleslady finally showed, leaving a few of us girls to help her carry her load o' goodies inside. She comes with everything (table, tool boxes of batteries, tupperware bins of stuff) and no helper. I don't mind that it's raining hard, on a hill, in mud, to carry such items as I know I am in for a treat. I know this particular lady and I am excited to remind her of me. She appeases my esteem by faking like she remembers me. I like this.

Inside, hullabaloo ensues. She sets up her table while we eat our food and drink more liquor. Good times...good times. She decides to throw a huge double headed marital aid onto the floor for some quick laughter. This is used for an icebreaker game later...no we don't use them on each other...ewwww. Me being Saucy, I pick it up and attempt to swing it over my shoulders to say "hey, I'm going to the bedroom for a little while, I'll be back hahahahaha". As I toss this sucker over my shoulder, saleslady SOMEHOW puts her face right in the way. I mean, c'mon...she should have seen this ginormous penis coming towards her...but no. WAPOW! Right in the jaw. She's startled and I feel bad. Somehow I think she deserves it for being in the way and screwing up my joke and I stop feeling bad. Damn lady. I bet that wasn't a first for her.

She starts the show and I grow bored as I have sat through the same schpeel many times. I even throw in a few pointers myself as to remind her who she was dealing with...Ms. Saucy.

After the show, everyone makes their purchases and the crowd parts ways. On the drive home, buddy and I discuss ways to become our own salesmen as we know these products inside and out. Then we realized that we like having nights off and like not travelling to strange people's homes.

FYI, I will be hosting one of these parties within a month or so. Ladies make your way.


Saturday was football practice. Something about five people showing up doesn't sound like practice to me. We ran one lap around the park and called it a day. Yes, I was tired.

That night I watched Rob Zombie's " The Devils Rejects"...pretty good movie. I'm just happy I ordered the pizza afterwards. Another movie called "The Chumbscrubber" was horrible. Don't rent a movie you cannot pronouce fyi.

Snowball fight also ensued as I had a cheap shot. I wasn't aiming there I promise. Sorry Sir.


On another note...the WWE had a house show here today. I had tickets to go with my brother. This morning, I had the pleasure of eating breakfast with someone at the Waffle House.In walks Coach. As he enters, Dean Freakin' Malenko walks out. Dean Freakin' Malenko! Only one of my top five wrestlers of all time. I'm freaking out a little and try to call my brother who doesn't answer. Damn. Then after a while, I realize Carlito is eating breakfast with Coach. Three WWE wrestlers....in Waffle House with Saucy. Damn. After they left, I kept waiting on someone like Triple H to enter but sadly he didn't. Oh well...we went to the show and Rob Van Damm was outside talking to people. Wuzzup RVD. ECW!

The show was pretty good. Our seats were along the aisle where the wrestlers came out so we smacked hands with most of them (sorry Todd). The highlight had to be seeing the asses of Triple H and Edge as they were running around the ring trying to hold up their pants. I didn't realize they were so funny.

So now I'm going to apply for a job at the Waffle House and sell novelty items in the back...come on out.

Friday, April 1, 2005

Fat people in Wal-mart scooters...and stuff

Saucy had an exhibition football game to attend Saturday (April Fool's Day of all days). Now I haven't played in over a year due to sitting out last season. This year, I have been tasked to play right guard next to Chara. We've had some good practices and went to play this game with...ooohhh....21 players. Don't worry, two of them showed up at halftime.

I'm psyched to play, nervous since Monday. I've read my playbook and have eaten well before our Saturday night brawl. Pasta is a favorite on Friday nights for me, especially before a game. So I ate some damn good food at Carrabas. Damn good.

Anyway, our game is going fairly well. We are up against a team known to play a hard and have probably 35 or so players. Their linemen are pretty huge, like are two of me. I lined up and moved them though. Or at least prevented them from eating my arm...they looked hungry. It's pretty hot outside but I've hydrated (wohoooooo).

Half-time comes and it's a scoreless ballgame. We have moved the ball down the field but haven't converted. They haven't even gotten close to a touchdown. Our defense was awesome. Oh yeah, I also went in and played a couple of defensive plays cause I was needed.

After the half, we were doing well. I was put in as defensive tackle. In comes the other teams big girls. Our team knows what's coming as we've seen this play before. We call a special play designed for this particular set. I get on my knees and get ready. Their big girl, number 66 (whom I've been up against on offense all night) lines up across from me. She's probably 5'10 and 250lbs. So big girl gets down and I get lower. The ball is snapped.

Slow motion......

I remember her and another fatso coming my way; I see the ball carier...I go to reach for her then SNAP, CRACKLE, POP goes my knee. Immediately after is POP POP POP for my ankle. I start screaming like the little girl I am.I yell for them to get off of me and I roll over on my side, tears a flowin'. Quasimodo and her merry men had lifted me up and shoved me backwards (almost like a backbend) and landed on me causing my knee and ankle to carry their massive, massive weight. I hear "Trainer!! Trainer!!" as the other team's trainer comes over. Some teammates gather around and help me.

I get to the sideline after being clapped off (I wondered if the girl got the first down). The trainer (who I thought was just as knowledgeable about knees as...say...The Hamburglar) poked and prodded around to see where I was hurting. My knee didn't hurt so bad but my ankle was jacked. I've had jacked ankles before and I know jacked when I feel jacked. This was jacked. My knee couldn't be straightened. The Hamburglar diagnosed me as having a high ankle sprain and possibly a sprained knee. Thanks Hamburlgar...now go find Grimace.

I sit and watch my team do well, preventing the other team from scoring. I have ice on my ankle and I'm freezing...damn mountain climate! Finally the game ends and it's scoreless. It's just an exhibition game...no need in potentially hurting others. I get carried off the field by my mates. They are so damn awesome. Then we go to Ruby Tuesday's where I ordered a horse with a side of blue cheese. I'm trying to keep my humor while being "jacked".

So today, I decide to go to work. Mind you, it was my driving leg that got messed up. I get to my work, where there are only three of us now, and we have decided SOMEONE needs to go out and buy supplies. I volunteer . Yeah, send the crutches-lady out to drive around and get supplies. So I went. Being stubborn, I only hobble in to the first two establishments. Then I went in the third one...Wal-Mart.

If anyone has ever seen a Wal-Mart parking lot, it's easy to spot the handicapped parking areas. There's probably, um, 40 or so of these damn spots. Seriously, do 40 handicapped people go to Wal-Mart at the same time? I guess it could happen...on Sunday, after church. So I grab my borrwed crutches and head in.

I'm inside and I'm looking around for one of those Rascal/buggy things. Nowhere to be found. Ok, I'll just brace it and crutch myself back to the paints. Then I see it. Some big ass fat woman is riding around in one of the provided scooters. I wanted to tackle her but realized I didn't have my mouthpiece in. I worked hard for this smile. Anyway, I was pissed to see a perfectly capable person taking a ride in my much needed vehicle. I shot stares at her, finding her wherever she scooted. If she was in crafts, I was there...staring. I hope she felt bad. She could at least put me in her buggy. I wanted to shit on her coat, but she wasn't wearing one. Damn fat lady!

I've got a Dr.'s appointment tomorrow with the team knee doctor. I don't mean it as he comes to our games and helps as a trainer....I mean he's who everyone on the team has gone to for their knee. We keep him truckin'.


Saucy Braves Tornadoes

Last Thursday, we were all warned of the potential horrendous tornado weather that would come on Friday afternoon. The newsguys are that good...or so they like to let you know. They have their own radar system with big names like "ARMOR" or "THE FLYING ELBOW" or something big and bad. The weathermen then like to "inform" the public about different wind velocities, wind shear, echos and other mumbojumbo that I could care less about. If I wanted to know about weather terminology, I would have taken meterology in school instead of thermodynamics. I hate learning when I'm not supposed to be.

Regardless, Friday was a frenzy. Schools let out at lunchtime and places closed early...only for potential bad weather. This is hilarious to me. Weathermen dictate the opening and closing of schools, at least down here.

The wind picked up but the clouds weren't too dark by 2pm. I still went home early to my vinyl-sided apartment. I tuned in to the weather, flipping back and forth between the three newsgroups, deciding when I should take cover in my bathroom.

By 6:30 pm, the weather was bad in my mom's town. Hail came down on the guy reporting outside and he was complaining about how it hurt. No shit?? How would you feel if something the size of a golf ball travelling from, oh 500 ft, landed on your head? Dipshit.

Meanwhile, I'm watching the news, laughing at the guy getting pelted but concerned about my mother's mustang convertible. Thank goodness it wasn't hurt. The storm picks up....

Around 10:30pm, the storms finally come to my town. It's about time. I'm getting my stuff together in my big bathroom. My little tv, pillows, football helmet, phone, medicines, cat, and cat litter. I'll be damned if the cat is going to use the bathroom anywhere else but in her litter box. I can picture people pulling me out of the rubble and wondering why I have cat poop on me.

The weatherman says the tornado is going over the airport (2 miles from me) so of course I donned my football helmet and slid under my bathroom counter. My football pads would not fit on me so I threw them aside. My cat, being all-knowing, climbed into the cabinet and hid. I realized she didn't have on a helmet and damned myself for not getting one for her.

I hear the hail landing outside and hope that my car was ok. I then remembered I had just changed my car insurance hail deductible to more than double what it was last week. I am now mad at myself and I slapped myself up the head...with my helmet on. Tornadoes make you crazy.

The funnel clouds finally pass over and I crawl out from under my cabinet. I lay there, on the floor of my bathroom, and fall asleep. And no, my helmet was NOT on.


As I hobbled crutch-free into the store to pay for my gas yeterday, the lady behind the counter asked if I had a broken leg. I just looked at her. Why yes, I do have a broken leg that I am walking on. Tornadoes make everyone crazy


Saucy and the Motley Crue

When I heard Motley Crue was coming to my town, I was joyful at the presence of Mr. Tommy Lee and his "mini-me". I hadn't purchased a ticket but one became available and again, as I do.I ventured.

I enjoy concerts. The first one I went to was New Kids on the Block. Yeah, I had planned to sneak back stage when I was 13 to make out with Donnie. I sure didn't plan on doing anything else with him cause making out was HUGE! Now I realize I could have changed my life had I made it back there with my fake backstage pass I picked up at my local Claire's boutique. DAMN YOU BODY GUARDS! Hey, I got past two of them. More than likely had I flashed some *ahem* meat, I probably could have at least met the guitar player. Who's the guitar player you ask? Hell if I know!

The concert hall is slowly letting everyone in after being searched. Mullets and skip-skap-scallawags fill the area around me. One girl's skirt is so short, when she walks you can see her butt cleavage. She looks to be around 16 or so. What does she know about the Crue??

After some mulleteer tries to talk to me about losing his ticket and finding it (while donning a faded Pink Floyd t-shirt and a frizzy mullet), I finally get in. Headed to my seat with co-concert goer, we passed a sea of motley-looking people.a crue if you will. You have the dad and son (both wearing their newly acquired concert t-shirts), the low-end strippers with their barely there blouses, slow-slung jeans and glitter, the groupies who used to be strippers back in 1987 who still donne their tall hair and clown makeup, the newbies who were just born 14 years ago, the metal heads who are wearing their Slipknot t-shirt and eye-makeup, and the regular people who just look regular.

We get to our seat and continue crowd watching. This is my favorite: people watching! There's the drunk guy at the very back top row going "wooooooooooooooooo" endlessly before the concert even started. The can't-tell-if-she's-pregnant older lady who's evidently been "rode hard" if you catch my drift. She comes back into play later on in the story. Then there's a group of scallywag skanks that walk in next to us. One is evidently a crack-whore as she is small-framed, but too muscular. Her 17 year- old friend is wearing a barely there white top and some low jeans that she pulls up every 30 seconds because, like me, she lacks an ass. Throughout the entire concert, she danced and pulled up, danced and pulled up. It became more entertaining than some of the band.

The Crue came on stage and noise ensued. The distortion is huge in this arena but we make out some songs. You kinda felt bad for Mick Mars. Since I am an expert after watching VH1's behind the music, I knew he was in pain.

The show turned out alright. Toward the end, the "boob cam" came out. They took a hand-held and showed everyone in the crowd. They wanted to see some meat. Enter "rode hard". Somehow she made it to the front and flashed her pancakes. Gross. Then some other graceful ladies flashed theirs. It was all a blur as boobs were galore. Yes, galore.

After the show, we sat and watched the crowd disperse. The Kool-Aid bunch was easily noticeable. At the end of the show, Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx threw buckets of the sweet stuff into the crowd. Haha, that's what you get for not being where us cool kids were, in the box seats.

Saturday, March 5, 2005

Juan Doe...and stuff

Juan Doe

Two years ago, a body was found in my hometown along the side of the road. This man had no identification on him. The only thing authorities know is that he is of Mexican decent. Fast forward to today. Investigators are still stuck on this case with no new leads. They recently put a press release out looking for anyone with information. No joke, they call this man Juan Doe. Is this necessary? If he were Chinese, would they call him Wong Doe? Leave it to my little hometown to put this out there.Gah.

Saucy gets a driver's license...and stuff

Yesterday I got a wild hair and decided it was time to get my Alabama driver's license. Now mind you, I've been living here almost 6 1/2 years and have kept my TN license. Yes, I should have done it earlier but I'm a rebel. However, my TN license is often mistaken for an expired one, as the sticker on the back provided by my homestate is worn and barely legible. I get a lot of flack and have been turned away for services because of it. These "services" include purchasing alcohol and partaking in some booty shakin'.

So I mosey (cause that's what we southerner's do...mosey) on over to the local DMV. For you who don't know, to transfer your out of state license, there is one single DMV location in this city to where I must go. Also, for those of you who want a Commercial Driver's License, this particular Huntsville office is one of TWO in the ENTIRE STATE to get your CDL for Alabama. Also, in case you have your license pulled, this is the ONLY location to get it reinstated in the county.Not knowing this information...I ventured....

Showing up 30 minutes before they opened, I was about 25th in line outside. Most people looked to be the average 16 year old there to get their first license. *dream sequence* I remember my first license. I aced the written. The road test was a little iffy as I jumped a curb in my mom's big pick up truck. I also squeeled some tires and barely missed a passing car. I think they were impressed and gave me my license. THANKS TENNESSEE!

So they open the door and I'm instantly in another line. People from the day before already have their number and sit and wait to be called.The old guy in front of me explains he is there to get his license reinstated because of a DUI but "it wasn't his fault" or something another. Great, entertainment finds me....I know this is going to be a fun field trip now.

I take my number, 75, and sit quietly in the corner. Yes, I can sit quietly, though this shocks some of you. Numbers 50-55 are up. Heck yeah, I'm going to be out by 9am!

I watch the people who are there and realize the CDL/reinstatement bunch very quickly. My favorite person is this skinny crack head. She is definitely on something as she is fidgety and making faces like she is crying, then laughing, then crying. She runs her hands through her hair a few times and doesn't sit. She goes in and out, pacing the floors. Evidently her skin is crawling and she can't take it. Funny thing is, two state troopers are at the DMV and don't say anything to her. Yes, please give her a license. Please.

Then my number is called and I'm forced to sit in another section. I feel that my trip is going to end soon. Then it happens...the computers crash. I'm not talking the Huntsville branch's computers...I'm talking NATIONWIDE the DMV computer system. What? It's karma for making fun of the crackhead, I know.

For the next 2 1/2 hours I sit and wait, next in line. Other characters come in such as...

The Dead Guy - In the computer system, he is labeled deceased yet he is at the DMV. I guess they give a license to anyone.

The Drunk Girl - She comes in claiming she needed a new license because her purse was taken. She reeks of alcohol. The Trooper takes her to the back and gives her a breathalyzer. Who comes to the DMV drunk expecting to get a license?

Billy Ray - The best looking mullet walks in...all business up top...clean, moussed and spikey; it's beautiful. Long ringlets waterfall down the back, looking much like a weave to me.Scrumptious!

Chatty Patty - The girl next to me, number 76. This was her third time at the DMV this week. She brought a backpack full of books and whatnots to waste her time and wore a nametag. She was there to get a CDL to drive her church van. She had to leave by 11...yadda yadda yadda.

Mean Jesus Granny and Crying Granddaughter - They came in late, like around 8:30 am expecting to get a road test. They told her she should have come in earlier and they were already booked for the day. They leave at first, then granny returns to talk to the supervisor. She mentions something about Jesus and I see her brow was looking mean. Granddaughter returns, make-up smeared and they sit in the lobby. Granny then gets up to take down the address for complaints. She gets things done, that granny.

The computers come back up and everyone is estatic. I am up! My vision test was a litle iffy. I guess playing with lasers at work could damage my eyesight, but I pass. I get my license and head out the door. I see Jesus Granny talking to Crying Granddaughter. Knowing they ain't getting their road test now, I grin and leave. That's what you get Mean Granny....kill them with kindness mafakka!
